What puzzles me about the fort at Copacabana is that although its function was defense, somebody went to a lot of trouble to also make it decorative.
Even the soldiers bathroom has very ornate wroughtwork.

I'm going to break all the rules. I'm not interested in hits and rankings. This BLOG is for me - nothing more, nothing less. The narrowboat Willawaw is setting off on a journey, physical and spiritual. If you want to come along, hop on, "let go fore and aft" and welcome aboard........... If you don't, I'll miss you....
What puzzles me about the fort at Copacabana is that although its function was defense, somebody went to a lot of trouble to also make it decorative.
Even the soldiers bathroom has very ornate wroughtwork.
The next photograph (below) shows Copacabana Beach. Just above the line of luxury hotels on the beach is one of the many Favela's in Rio. These are basically, slum housing. Many these days are ruled by drug lords and are no-go areas for ordinary folk. Tourist companies make deals with the rulers of these mini-kingdoms and take in small buses of tourists, to see what life is like in the favela.
The BOPE or special police are high trained in urban warfare. I hear that there are plans to clear the favela's before the world cup comes to Brazil in 2014.
I saw one of these BOPE patrols next to us at traffic lights. They were driving a matt black 4x4 which reminded me of something out of the "Mad Max" movie.
The occupants were dressed in SWAT gear, wearing body armour and the muzzle of an automatic weapon was resting outwardly through the open front passenger window, with the barrel in the crook of the driving mirror.
Late at night, it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between the sound of gunfire in the favela or the bangs of firecrackers, which denote the latest drugs delivery.
"Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!" ("King Lear")
Why do people write blogs - ego, financial reward, to gain friends and followers ??
Why are blogs so popular - they have spread like dandelions on a grassy verge, but some are as dull as ditchwater.
I often subscribe to their updates because they look promising, only to be regaled with daily tales of "got up, looked out of the window and cleaned my teeth".
Ely - its quite appropriate that the Revelation and the start of the journey should occur in the Fenland city of Ely - in the shadow of the "Ship of the Fens", a name often used to describe its gothic cathedral.
A journey ? - Where are we going ?
I've no idea - all the best journeys have no destination.