Wednesday 27 January 2010

Are We Going Down Again ?

Things have moved forward, on the Bilge Monitor front.

Some boaters just wanted a no-hassle, ready-to-go, Bilge Monitor that they could just connect to their 12V supply.

So, I've constructed an Alarm Panel for the Bilge Monitor.

This is for the boater who doesn't want to mount the indicators on an existing panel and wants something ready-made for bulkhead mounting.

From top-left, clockwise, the controls are:

Alarm on/off/reset button, test button, flashing alarm LED, buzzer, fuse

3ft of power cable is supplied already connected and can be connected directly to the batteries (to by-pass the battery isolation switch) or to the boats DC distribution panel. No additional fusing is required.


The next step is to make a dual channel alarm panel that can accept signals from two different sensor inputs e.g. one from the stern gland and one from the bow thruster space/fresh water pump or underfloor bilge...


  1. I love your electronic innovations!

  2. Great stuff. I feel quite worried about the couple of inches in my bilges and my pump doesn't seem to be doing a great deal. Hmmm

  3. You really shouldn't have that amount of water in your bilge. The Bilge Monitor will only tell you it exists, but you already know that. The problem lies with your bilge pump. Post the problem on Just Canals and it can probably be sorted.


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